Kanban Digest 25
Kanban Digest #25, c’est le meilleur du #Kanban vu sur le web cette semaine.
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@kateterlecka: Stop telling people that #kanban is #agile. Kanban CAN BE agile and you have to make it!
How is your #Kanban lying to you today ? No #continuous improvement if we believe the system is perfect #AgileIL12 @ourfounder keynote
@troytuttle If you are really running a pull system, you can dispense with a considerable amount of planning and coordination around schedule.#kanban
@J_Boeg: Takeaways from #klrat: « No flow » #kanban boards (tickets do not move) can still be an excellent information radiator and limit wip
@oydBrayshay Knowing what makes a Kanban system work isn’t the same as knowing what makes YOUR Kanban system work #Kanban #lean #kata
Vu sur YouTube
Mapping a Value Stream to a Kanban Board par Alan Shalloway à voir ici (via @romaincouturier)